Take Action


What can I do?

Here are some basic things you can do go make your home and/or business more prepared:

  • Register with the Eagle County Citizen Alert Service to receive emergency alerts for Eagle County.

  • Get a property assessment through the REALFire program to reduce wildfire risk for your home and property

  • Be prepared in case there is a catastrophic event. Here is some great preparedness information in case of an emergency.

  • Check your home insurance to make sure you’re adequately covered in case of a wildfire and/or flood event.

  • Finally, have a plan in place with your family in case there is an emergency and road infrastructure, cell phones, internet, electricity and other resources are not available.

The success of the Eagle County Community Resilience Plan is dependent on your engagement and input. For any questions, ideas, and/or feedback, please feel free to contact us:
